Hospital Department

Background / Problem

This was one of many hospital departments which had the need for data processing but not the budget nor headcount for a dedicated team member – that’s where we come in.

From the start point of inputting patient details and test results, to organising these into a database and processing these to provide results to the clinicians for further diagnosis, this would be more than just a dashboard.

After spending a morning with a patient completing a large number of tests, the doctors or researchers would spend the rest of the day checking the results against lookup tables and scaling factors, before recording these results in a combination of excel files and word documents


This was a full end-to-end piece: User interfaces to input patient data and test results, which were written out to an organised, scalable and queryable database, along with digitising the lookup tables to allow us to create a fully automated process to take these results and turn them into the relevant information that the clinicians need to draw their conclusions, as well as a portal for comparing results over time.

New tests were added over time, along with including an area where researchers could query the data without having to be able to code – bringing extra flexibility to the results in the dashboard part of the tool.

This tool enabled twice the number of patients to be tested and processed through the department, whilst also allowing for research to be performed using the database, adding for the potential for a much wider coordinated approach to research and treatment, all on the tight budget of a department within the NHS.

in summary



Manual hours per patient automated


Research Ready




Human error